ГДЗ Enjoy English 5 Student’s book

Ответы на упражнения из учебника “Enjoy English 5 класс” (Биболетова и др.). ГДЗ Enjoy English 5 Student’s book.

ГДЗ Enjoy English 5 Student’s book

Урок 1.

Раздел 1

  • 3. • Посмотрите на расписание и скажите, когда начинаются и заканчиваются уроки во вторник.
    History starts at 9 a. m. and finishes at 9:45 a. m. on Tuesday.
    English starts at 9:50 a. m. and finishes at 10:35 a. m. on Tuesday.
    Russian starts at 10:40 a. m. and finishes at 11:25 a. m. on Tuesday.
    PE starts at 11:55 a. m. and finishes at 12:40 p. m. on Tuesday.
    Maths starts at 12:45 p. m. and finishes at 13:30 p. m. on Tuesday.
  • 5. • Скажите, какие предметы у вас были вчера, сегодня и какие будут завтра.
    I had Maths, Russian and Literature yesterday. I have Russian and Music today. I will have Art, History and Music tomorrow.
  • 6. • Расскажите Джиму, что вы обычно делаете на каждом уроке.
    We read a lot in our Literature lessons. We count in our Math lessons. We draw in our Drawing lessons. We ask and answer questions in our History lessons. We learn by heart in our Literature lesson.
  • 7. • Прочитайте примеры в таблице. Составьте свои собственные предложения, используя таблицу.
    I count in Maths lessons. I solved problems with friends yesterday. I will learn a new poem by heart tomorrow.
  • 9. • Работа в парах. Обсудите ваши школьные предметы.
    ответьте на следующие вопросы.
    1. Вам нравится литература? Почему?
    Yes, I like literature because we read interesting books and learn poems by heart. We always discuss interesting questions. I adore reading.
    2. Вам задают много домашнего задания по информатике?
    No, our teacher does not give us a lot of homework, we try to do everything during our lesson.
    3. У вас была история в прошлом году? Что вы делали на занятиях?
    Yes, we had history last year. We listened to some stories from the past. We did some tests.
    4. У вас будут уроки по субботам?
    Yes, we will have lessons on Saturday.
    Придумайте свои вопросы и задайте их своим одноклассникам.
    Do you like Russian?
    Does your history teacher tell a lot of interesting stories? Did you have art last year?
    Will you have lunch at 12 p. m.?
  • 10. • Прочитайте письмо Джима его учителю из Великобритании, употребляя правильную форму глагола to be.
    Is, am, are, am, are, are
  • 11. • Прочитайте письмо Джима еще раз и ответьте на следующие вопросы.
    1. Ему нравится его новая школа?
    Yes, he likes his new Russian school.
    2. Джим счастлив? Почему?
    Jim is happy because he made two new friends.
    3. Сколько уроков у Джима в четверг?
    On Thursday Jim and his classmates have five lessons.
    4. Что они делали на перемене?
    During the break Jim’s classmates asked him questions about his school in Britain.
    5. Что его одноклассники делали после школы?
    After classes his classmates explained Nature Studies homework to him.
    6. Джим хочет быть хорошим учеником в своей новой школе?
    Yes, Jim wants to have only good and excellent marks.
  • 13. • Прочитайте диалог и ответьте на вопросы.
    1. Сколько раз в году у школьников в России каникулы?
    Russian students have four holidays each school year. Their holidays last one week in autumn, two weeks in winter, and one week in spring. There are summer holidays too.
    2. Какое время года нравится Джиму больше всего? Summer is his favorite season.
    3. Какое у вас любимое время года и почему?
    Му favorite season is summer, because we have long summer holidays.
  • 15. • Заполните предложения словами speak, say или tell.
    A. 1. tell, 2. says, 3. told, 4. speak, 5. tells, 6. speak
    B. 1. told, 2. said, 3. speak, 4. toldv5. told
  • 16. • Составьте предложения.
    We usually draw funny pictures on the blackboard during the break.
    I often ask a lot of questions at the lesson.
    Girls and boys often run around in the classroom during the break.
    Sometime teachers have a cup of tea or coffee in the classroom.
    We usually talk loudly in the school yard.
  • 18. • Прочитайте диалог и скажите, что они увидели в классе.
    They saw many plants, pictures, computer with multimedia projector in the classroom.
  • 19. • Сравните представленные изображения класса до и после летних каникул. Что общего и что изменилось?
    There were no plants on the shelf before summer. Now there are a lot of plants.
    There were no pictures on the wall before summer. Now there are pictures on the wall.
    There were no computer with multimedia projector. Now there is a computer with multimedia projector.
  • 20. • Что бы вы хотели нового привнести в вашу классную комнату?
    I would like to have many computers in our classroom.
    I would like to have many plants in our classroom. I would like to have new furniture in our classroom. I would like to have a TV set in our classroom.
  • 21. • Опишите свою классную комнату. Что в ней есть сейчас и что вы бы хотели изменить?
    Му classroom is very light and bright. It is very big and we can play games during the break. There is comfortable furniture. I would like to have many computers in our classroom. I would like to have many plants in our classroom.
    I would like to have new furniture in our classroom. I would like to have a TV set in our classroom.
  • 23. • Ответьте на вопросы.
    1. Вы помните самый первый день в школе?
    Yes, I remember my first day at school. I was very nervous but I wanted to study.
    2. Ваши одноклассники помнят свой первый день в школе?
    Yes, my classmates remember it. We made friends, we were very happy.
    3. Тебе задают много заданий?
    Yes, I have a lot of homework. But I do not complain. I like to study.
    4. У тебя завтра много уроков?
    Yes, I will have many lessons tomorrow.
    5. Ты вчера получил какую-нибудь отметку?
    Yes, I got an excellent mark yesterday.
  • 24. • Заполните пропуски, употребляя правильные формы глагола speak, tell, say.
    1. says, 2. told, 3. told, 4. speak, 5. will tell, 6. speak
    • 26.
    Посмотрите на картинки. Сопоставьте картинки с фразами.
    1 — i, 2 — к, 3 — е, 4 — h, 5 — с, 6 — Ь, 7 — g, 8 — d, 9 — а, 10 — f.
    • 27. •
    Прочитайте рассказ о первом дне Макса в школе. Вставьте в текст глаголы в прошедшем времени. Cleaned, had, was, was, put, took, went, made, gave, came, went, spoke, told, said
  • 28. • Ответьте на вопросы.
    1. Почему Макс встал так рано первого сентября?
    Max got up early on the 1st of September because he had to go to school.
    2. Что его папа делал в школе?
    His father made a video of him when he gave flowers to the teacher.
    3. О чем мальчики говорили после ланча?
    After lunch the boys talked about first school day, about their summers.
    • 29. • Расскажите о том, что вам понравилось в ваш первый день в школе в этом году. Сравните этот день с вашим первым днем в школе 5 лет назад.
    On the first day at school this year I got up early. I put on my school uniform and went to school. I talked to my friends about our summers. My parents took pictures of me and my friends.
    On the first school day five years ago I also got up early and went to school. I met my teachers and my classmates. I gave many flowers to my teacher.
  • 31. • Работа в парах. Прочитайте ситуации и составьте диалоги.
    1. — Can you lend me a pencil and a rubber?
    — Yes, of course, take it.
    2. — Do you want me to help you to wash up after dinner?
    — Yes, of course. Thank you very much for helping.
    3. — I am ill. I have a sore throat.
    — Would you like a cup of tea.
  • 32. • Напишите о своем первом дне в школе.
    On my first school day I got up very early. I put on my school uniform and I and my parents went to school. I had a new school bag and I was very happy. I gave flowers to my teacher. My parent made photos of me. I met my new friends. It was a wonderful day.


Раздел 2

  • 35. • Соедините глаголы из левой колонки со словами из правой колонки.
    1 — с, 2 — d, 3 — е, 4 — f, 5 — g, 6 — а, 7 — b.
  • 37. • Прочитайте письмо Барбары и скажите, что она
    предлагает Джиму и его новым одноклассникам. Barbara suggested to Jim and his new Russian classmates to go to London.
  • 38. • Прочитайте письмо Барбары еще раз. Найдите 5
    слов, которые могут быть как существительным, так и глаголом.
    То help — help, to stay — stay, to miss — miss, to wish — wish, to show — show.
  • 40. • Работа в парах. Спросите своего партнера, что он
    может сделать.
    May you open the window? — Sure.
    Can I use your book? — Yes, of course.
    Could I borrow your pen? — No, I am afraid, not.
  • 41. • Соедините вопросы и ответы.
    1 — с, 2 — а, 3 — Ь, 4 — d, 5 — е.
  • 42. • Работа в парах. Составьте свои собственные вопросы.
    May I take your pencil?
    Could you give me a book?
    Could you please open the window?
  • 43. • Представьте, что вы один из учеников Барбары.
    Напишите ответы на вопросы из ее письма.
    Dear Barbara,
    I miss you and my classmates too. But I like to be here in Russia. I have new friends. I like my new books, new subjects. Our new English teacher is also very good. My new friends help me with Russian. Thank you for invitation I think my classmates will be happy to go to London.
    Best wishes,


Раздел 3

  • 45. • Прочитайте письмо Димы. Поставьте глаголы
    в скобках в прошедшее время.
    Lived, was, swam, made, sang, took, helped.
  • 46. • Прочитайте письмо еще раз и ответьте на вопросы.
    1. Где Дима провел летние каникулы?
    Dima spent his summer holidays in Boldino.
    2. Почему Диме понравились его каникулы?
    Dima liked his holidays because he had a great time. He picked berries, gathered mushrooms, took photos, swam, played, rode bike.
    3. Что Дима делал в Болдино?
    Не picked berries, gathered mushrooms, took photos, swam, played, rode bike.
    4. Когда его друзья разжигали костер?
    His friends made fire in the evening.
    5. Что ты знаешь о Болдино?
    Many years ago Pushkin lived in Boldino.
  • 48. • Переведите словосочетания. Используйте их в своих предложениях.
    Проводить каникулы
    Проводить выходные
    Проводить много времени, делая что-то
    Идти в школу
    Ехать заграницу
    Ходить по магазинам
    Скучать по друзьям/родителям
    Пропускать уроки математики
    Пропустить хороший фильм
    Принимать участие
    Происходить в
    I go to school every day.
    I missed my friends in summer.
    I took part in competition.
  • 49. • Дополните предложения глаголами в правильной форме.
    1. went missed, 2. go, 3. spend miss, 4. took, 5. take, 6. take.
  • 50. • Прочитайте предложенную информацию об этих знаменитых людях, посмотрите на картинки и опишите места, в которых они жили.
    Joanne К. Rowling lived in a large village in the south of England. It was big and beautiful and green.
    Repin lived not far from St. Petersburg. Now there is his museum.
    Sergei Rahmaninoff lived in Ivanovka not far from Tambov. It is a wonderful Russian city. Now there is his museum.
  • 53. • Посмотрите на картинки и скажите, чем известны эти люди.
    A. Pushkin is famous for his poems and fairy-tales.
    I. Repin is famous for his pictures.
    S. Rachmaninoff is famous for his music.
    J. K. Rowling is famous for her book about Harry Potter. A. Barto is famous for her poems.
    I. Pavlov is famous for his science works.
  • 54. • Прочитайте диалог и ответьте на вопросы.
    1. Где Катя провела летние каникулы?
    Kate spent her summer holidays in a camp on the Black See, in Sochi.
    2. Что ты знаешь об этом месте?
    It is the city of the Winter Olympic Games in 2014.
  • 56. • Дополните предложения необходимыми словами.
    1 — а, 2 — с, 3 — Ь, 4 — с, 5 — Ь, 6 — а.
  • 57. • Прочитайте дневник Кэрол. Заполните пропуски словами.
    A few, a little, many, much, a lot of.
    A lot of, many, a few, many, a little.
  • 58. • Составьте вопросы к предложениям из упр. N° 57. How many museums did you visit?
    How many nice old houses did you see?
  • 59. • Рассажите о своих каникулах. Скажите куда вы ездили, с кем вы хотели встретиться, что видели, что делали?
    Today we went to Moscow. We spent much time there. We visited Tretiakov Gallery and other places of interest. I met my grandmother there. I didn’t see her for ages. We went to MacDonalds together. I will visit my grandmother next year.
  • 61. • Опишите свои выходные. Используйте дневник Кэрол в качестве примера.
    This morning we went to the country. My grandparents live there. They have a big house and a lot of animals. We spent a lot of time there.
    Today we came back home. I helped my mother about the house. Also I prepared homework for school. It is a pity that we spent not much time with my grandparents.
  • 65. • Прочитайте текст и дополните его глаголами в форме прошедшего времени.
    Took, bought, arrived, saw, ate, drank, read, watched, could, smelt, wanted, took, had, swam, watched, was.
  • 66. • Придумайте вопросы к тексту.
    1. What did Julia’s family do in Africa?
    2. Where did Julia spend her summer holidays?
    3. When did Julia’s family go on holidays?
    4. How long did they stay at the Red Sea?
    5. Who went to the Sahara Desert?
    6. Why was Julia happy?
  • 68. • Назовите важные события, которые произошли во время ваших последних каникул.
    I went to the Black Sea with my grandmother in June. My mother bought me a new computer in July.
    I went to the country to my grandparents in August.
  • 70. • Расскажите о своих летних каникулах в деревне или на море.
    Last summer I went to the country. I spent a lot of time outdoors, fed the animals. I also grew vegetables and fruit with my granny. We made a fire with my friends.
    Last summer I went to the seaside. I did a lot of sunbathing with my sister and swam in the sea all day long. We also found seashells and brought them home.
  • 71. • Где вам нравится проводить летние каникулы и почему?
    I like to spend my summer holidays in the country. I have a lot of friends there. We play different games, go to the river, and swim all day long.
  • 74. • Где бы вы хотели провести ваши следующие летние каникулы? Что бы вы там делали?
    I would like to spend my next summer holidays at the seaside of the Black Sea. I would like to swim and sunbathe. I would like to go to the waterpark and to see dolphins. I would like to meet new friends there.
  • 75. • Напишите, где вы хотели бы отдохнуть на летних каникулах. Почему?
    I would like to go to the seaside this summer holidays. I like to swim very much. I also want to see my grandparents and spend much time with them. I like to make a fire with my grandfather and swim in the sea with my grandmother.


Раздел 4

  • 78. • Прочитайте письмо и скажите, какая у Мартина мечта.
    Martin’s dream is to become a famous writer one day.
  • 79. • Ответьте на вопросы.
    1. Где Мартин провел летние каникулы?
    Martin spent his summer holidays in St. Petersburg.
    2. Какие места он посетил?
    Не visited Pavlovsk, Pushkin and Peterhof.
    3. Какие дворцы ему больше всего понравились?
    Не liked beautiful palace in Peterhof most of all because there were a lot of fountains.
    4. Какая у Мартина мечта? Что он уже может сделать? Martin’s dream is to become a famous writer and he can
    write fairy tails and short stories.
  • 80. • Дополните предложения. Используйте информацию из письма Мартина.
    Peterhof is famous for many fountains.
    They visited Pavlovsk, Pushkin, Peterhof.
    It wasn’t boring to listen to the guide.
    The guide told them about the fountains.
    Martin would like to learn more about Russian history. Martin’s dream is to become a famous writer.
  • 82. • Прочитайте письмо Мартина еще раз, найдите и запишите все прилагательные. Затем поставьте их в три степени.
    Beautiful — more beautiful — the most beautiful Interesting — more interesting — the most interesting Comfortable — more comfortable — the most comfortable Great — greater — the greatest
  • 84. • Найдите английские эквиваленты русским словосочетаниям из упр. № 78.
    Last summer, comfortable bus, many fountains, it is amazing to see, beautiful city, beautiful palace
  • 85. • Английский турист просит вас рассказать ему или ей, что содержится в объявлении. Помогите обратившемуся к вам туристу. Разыграйте диалог со своим другом. Используйте картинку.
    — Hallo! Can you help me?
    — Hallo! Yes, of course.
    — What is on the advertisement?
    — Here is information about the trip along Russia. You can visit the Golden Ring. You begin in Moscow, than go to Zaghorsk, Pereyaslavl-Zalessky, Rostov, Yaroslavl, Kostroma, Suzdal, Vladimir. You will see all the sigthseeings of these cities.
    — Thank you!
    — Not at all!
  • 86. • Прочитайте письмо и скажите, где Лена провела каникулы.
    Lena spent her holidays in Cambridge in a summer school camp.
  • 87. • Ответьте на вопросы.
    1. Когда Лена ездила заграницу?
    Lena went abroad in august.
    2. Где она училась?
    She learnt English in Cambridge.
    3. Какие города Великобритании Лена хотела бы посетить снова?
    Lena would like to visit London again.
    4. Что делают ученики летней школы по утрам?
    In the morning they spend three hours learning English.
    5. Лене понравилась столица Великобритании?
    Lena liked London very much. She had a great time there.
  • 88. • Заполните пропуски информацией из текста.
    1. Lena is from Russia.
    2. In summer she went abroad.
    3. She improved her English because she spent two weeks in a summer school camp.
    4. She would like to visit London once more because she had a great time there.
    5. Lena wants to be an English teacher.
  • 89. • Выберите правильный предлог
    1 — in, 2 — at, 3 — in, 4 — to, 5 — out, 6 — to, 7 — from, 8 — to.
  • 92. • Напишите рекламу о вашем городе для туристов. Our city is not very big but there are a lot of interesting places to visit. There are a lot of museums and theatres. Also there is a circus. Our city is clean. There are a lot of green parks full of trees and flowers. It is always pleasant to walk there. If you want to rest and have a snack, you can go to one of the wonderful cafe or a restaurant.
  • 95. • Прочитайте рекламные объявления из стенной газеты и соедините их с предложенными картинками.
    Singing club — 4, Travelers’ club — 6, Nature club — 7, Tennis club — 2, Water world — 5, Faster, higher, stronger — 8, Musicians’ club — 13, School theatre — 11, Photographer — 1, Chess club — 9, Computer club — 12, Drawing club — 10, Dancing club — 3.
  • 96. • Прочитайте рекламные объявления из стенгазеты еще раз. Какой клуб вы бы хотели посетить и почему?
    I would like to choose Faster, Higher, Stronger. I like sport. I can run fast, jump high. I am strong and I want to be stronger that is why this club is for me.
  • 98. • Посмотрите на картинки. Догадайтесь, какие картинки соответствуют разным клубам. Какой символ вам понравился? Сделайте новый символ для клуба, который вы выбрали.
    1 — singing; 2 — tennis; 3 — theatre; 4 — tourism; 5 — music.
  • 101. • Расскажите одноклассникам о своем любимом школьном клубе.
    I like to sing. I choose the Singing Club. We sing funny songs and take part in competitions.
  • 102. • Напишите рекламное объявление о вашем любимом школьном клубе.
    School theatre
    Theatre is one of the best arts. If you want to become an actor, come to us. Here you can play and be creative. Show your talent, come to us.
  • 104. • Теперь прочитайте диалог и скажите, что Джим любит делать и чем увлекается.
    Jim likes to play football and tennis. His hobby is learning about literature, history and traditions of other countries.
  • 106. • Прочитайте письмо Джима о Школьном театральном клубе. Скажите, кто помогал ему играть роль.
    Jim’s English teacher helped Jim to play his role.
  • 107. • Ваш друг хотел бы стать журналистом, музыкантом, певцом, писателем, компьютерным программистом. Посоветуйте ему клуб.
    If you want to be a journalist or a writer, you should go to the Literature Club. They read books, discuss them and write their own books.
    If you want to be a musician or singer you should go to the Music Club. They play musical instruments and sing songs.
    If you want to be a computer programmer you should go to the Computer Club. They learn about computers there.
  • 109. • Расскажите о самом популярном клубе в вашей школе. Объясните почему.
    The most popular club in our school is the Singing Club. Many boys and girls visit it. They sing songs and take part in different competitions. They also take part in our school performances.
    • 110. •
    Напишите письмо своему Британскому другу по переписке и опишите свой любимый клуб в школе. Hallo, Beni
    Sorry, I didn’t answer you. This year I visit the Singing Club. Many boys and girls visit it. We sing songs and take part in different competitions. We also take part in our school performances. So I have little time.
    What is your favorite club at school?
  • 112. • Прочитайте, что написано на постерах различных клубов. Догадайтесь, каким клубам они принадлежат.
    Computer club. Pet’s Club.
  • 115. • Работа в парах. Составьте вопросы с хвостиком. You will go to Moscow, won’t you?
    She doesn’t like pets, does she?
    I can’t write poems, can I?
    We were in Turkey last summer, weren’t we?
    He was at the seaside, wasn’t he?
  • 117. • Дополните вопросы
    a) is not it, doesn’t it, wasn’t it, won’t you, couldn’t we, don’t you
    b) do you, does she, is he, are they, was it, will he.
  • 118. • Соедините вопросы и ответы.
    1 — g, 2 — d, 3— e, 4 — a, 5 — f, 6 — b, 7 — c.
  • 119. • Ответьте на вопросы.
    1. Ты учишься в 5 классе, не так ли?
    Yes, I am.
    2. Ты не любишь карандаши, не так ли?
    No, I don’t.
    3. Ты помог старушке по дороге в школу, не так ли? Yes, I did.
    4. Твой друг не умеет водить, не так ли?
    No, he can not.
    5. У тебя не будет экзамена по математике в этом году, не так ли?
    No, I will not.
  • 120. • Спросите одноклассников о выходных. Составьте 5 разделительных вопросов.
    You spent weekends with your family, didn’t you?
    You didn’t go to your grandmother, did you?
    Your teacher gave you much homework, didn’t she?
    The film on TV was great, wasn’t it?
    You read an interesting book, didn’t you?
  • 124. • Прочитайте диалог и скажите, что ученики делают во время дня самоуправления.
    They are completely independent all day long. The students from Grades 10 and 11 are the teachers of the younger classes.
  • 125. • Прочитайте слова в таблице. Соедините слова с противоположными значениями.
    Responsible — irresponsible, creative — dull, sociable — unsociable, kind — angry, friendly — unfriendly, healthy — ill, strong — weak.
  • 127. • Прочитайте слова и фразы. Затем скажите:
    a) Что делают учителя.
    Answer silly questions, teach different subjects, explain dull grammar rules, give instructions, be very polite.
    b) Что делают ученики.
    Give nicknames to their friends, read detective stories during the lesson, draw funny pictures on the blackboard, listen to music during the lesson, enjoy learning English, learn poems by heart, have holidays many times a year, miss the lessons, wear jeans, play jokes, talk loudly during the break, do homework every day, get bad marks, good marks.
  • 128. • Закончите предложения и составьте свои собственные. Используйте слова из упр. № 125.
    Last year I had a teacher whom I liked very much. I liked him/her because he/she was very kind and creative.
    Mike doesn’t like John because he is unfriendly.
    Marry doesn’t go to school because she is ill.
    My brother doesn’t go for a walk alone, because he is weak.
  • 131. • Приведите аргументы «за» и «против» относительно следующих доводов.
    1. For: Students should study much. Students should have good meal. Students should do homework at school.
    Students should spend much time with classmates. Students should visit different clubs at school.
    Against: Students should have rest at home. Students should spend much time with sisters and brothers. Students must feed pets.
    2. For: Students must have rest on Sundays. Students should spend much time with relatives. Students should go for a walk on Sundays.
    Against: Students must study every day.


Раздел 7

  • 136. • Соедините вопросы и ответы.
    1 — b, 2 — а, 3 — е, 4 — d, 5 — f, 6 — с.
  • 139. • Ответьте на вопросы.
    1. Сколько дней в неделю ученики ходят в школу? Students go to school six days a week.
    2. Что они обычно делают в субботу утром?
    On Saturday morning they have sport games and activities.
    3. Какие предметы самые распространенные?
    The most popular subjects are PE, IT, Math, Drama, Literature, Art, Spanish, French.
  • 144. • Прочитайте статью из газеты «Школьные друзья» и скажите, какую форму носят британские мальчики и девочки.
    Girls usually wear a white blouse with a dark skirt and a pullover. Boys wear a shirt and a tie, dark trousers and a pullover. Boys often wear school caps and girls sometimes wear hats.
    • 145. • Ответьте на вопросы.
    1. Английские школьники носят школьную форму?
    In most British schools children wear a uniform.
    2. Какие цвета школьной формы являются самыми популярными?
    Most popular colours are white, grey, blue and brown.
    3. Английские школьники любят носить форму?
    Children don’t like the school uniform.
    4. Что в английских школах делают с учениками, которые не носят школьную форму?
    Children are punished if they don’t wear a uniform.
    5. Хотели бы вы носить школьную форму как у английских школьников?
    Yes, I would like to wear a school uniform like British pupils because it is beautiful and comfortable.
    • 150. • Напишите статью в газету «Школьные друзья» об идеальной школьной форме.
    An ideal school uniform should be beautiful and comfortable. Pupils should like it and should wear it with great pleasure. Colours must be bright, not dark and dull. It may be blue, green, red, purple. Girls may wear blouses, skirts and trousers, pullovers. Boys may wear trousers, shirts and pullovers.


Раздел 9

  • 1. • Напишите:
    a) Ваш любимый предмет.
    Му favourite subject is Literature because I like to read and learn a lot of interesting things about famous writers.
    b) Что вы делаете на уроках.
    In Literature lessons we discuss different books, read poems and write essays.
  • 2. • Дополните предложения глаголами speak, tell, say в правильной форме.
    A. 2 — told, 3 — said, 4 — spoke, 5 — told.
    B. Told, said, speak, said, told
  • 3. • Переведите с русского на английский.
    1. To wake up early
    2. To wear a school uniform
    3. To take a new textbook
    4. To get good marks
    5. To improve English
    6. To miss friends
    7. It was her first school day
    8. Pupils gave flowers to their children
    9. After dinner she will walk with her new friends
  • 4. • Составьте словосочетания.
    To stay in the classroom, to work in Great Britain, to finish school year
    Secret information, popular music, useful subject, interestin work.
  • 6. • Дополните текст предлогами.
    From, about, —, with, —, in, of, of, of, in, —, — with, in, from.
  • 8. • Дополните историю словами many, much, few, little. Little, many, few, much, many, little.
  • 9. • Вставьте в таблицу пропущенные слова.
    То swim — плавать — swimmer — пловец То sing — петь — singer — певец
    То teach — учить — teacher — учитель То jump — прыгать — jumper — прыгун То travel — путешествовать — traveler — путешественник
    То act — играть — actor — актер То dance — танцевать — dancer — танцор То write — писать — writer — писатель То play — играть — player — игрок
  • 10. • Дополните предложения правильной формой прилагательного.
    2. the brightest
    3. easier
    4. the funniest
    5. the best
    6. more interesting
  • 11. • Дополните предложения подходящими предлогами.
    On, about, from, from, to, in.
  • 12. • Поставьте слова в скобках в правильную форму.
    1. singer, 2. teacher, 3. scientist, 4. travelers, 5. writer.
  • 13. • Прочитайте ответ. Составьте соответствующие вопросы.
    1. Who wants to become a popular writer?
    2. When did Elizabeth invite us to her Drama Club?
    3. What do the girls from our class like?
    4. What did Mark do?
    5. What kind of swimmer will you become?
  • 15. • Вставьте подходящие слова.
    1. Sociable, 2. Helpful, 3. Creative, 4. Independent, 5. Responsible.
  • 16. • Соедините объект и действие.
    English — translate new words PE — run, jump and play History — study past events Science — do experiments
    IT — learn how to use computer Art — draw and paint pictures Literature — recite poems by heart
  • 17. • Распределите школьные предметы в две колонки.
    At a British school:
    English Literature, IT, Maths, Art, Science, History, Drama, PE, French, Music, Nature Studies, German, Geography. At a Russian school:
    Russian Literature, Russian, IT, Maths, Art, Science, History, Drama, PE, French, Music, Nature Studies, German, Geography.
  • 18. • Дополните текст.
    Friday, learn, into, questions, heart, English, do, homework.
  • 19. • Ответьте на вопросы письменно.
    1. A lesson in British school lasts 40 or 45 minutes.
    2. The favourite colours for school uniforms in Britain are grey, black, green and blue.
    3. The first foreign language at schools in Britain is French.
    4. British students study Spanish and German.
    5. British students have Christmas holidays, Easter holidays and summer holidays.
    6. The British holidays are Christmas holidays, Easter holidays and summer holidays.
  • 20. • Переведите с русского на английский следующие предложения.
    1. Modern school uniform
    2. Nature subjects
    3. School library
    4. Foreign language
    5. Easter holidays
    6. German car
    7. Do you like this Spanish city? — Yes, it is very beautiful.
    8. Do you speak German? — Yes, I do.
    9. Most of the British pupils wear school uniform.
  • 21. • Сопоставьте вопросы и ответы.
    1 — d, 2 — f, 3 — b, 4 — c, 5 — e, 6 — a.
    Проверьте себя
  • 3. • С
  • 4. • С
  • 5. •А — f, В — t, С — f, D — t, Е — t, F — f.


Урок 2.

Раздел 1

  • 2. • Прочитайте диалог. Расставьте предложения в правильном порядке.
    5, 1, 3, 4, 11, 8, 6, 7, 9, 2, 12, 10.
  • 4. • Прочитайте текст и скажите, где остановятся
    русские студенты во время их визита в Великобританию.
    Russian students will stay with the families of the British students.
  • 5. • Дополните вопросы и ответьте на них.
    1. Barbara Grey works in East Square London School, doesn’t she? — Yes, she does.
    2. Mr. Wooding invited a group of Russian students to London, didn’t he? — Yes, he did.
    3. A group of up to 22 people can go to London, can’t they? — No, they can’t.
    4. Mr. Wooding didn’t write about the time of the visit, did he? — Yes, he did.
    5. The Russian students will stay with English families, won’t they? — Yes, they will.
    6. The Russian students won’t be responsible for the social programme, will they? — No, they won’t.
  • 6. • Дополните таблицу.
    Описание To decorate Переводить, translation Информация Праздновать To invite, invitation
  • 7. • Дополните предложения подходящими формами слов в скобках.
    1. Description, 2. Translation, 3. Information, 4. Suggestion 5. Celebration, 6. Invitation.
  • 9. • Составьте список вопросов, которые вы бы хотели задать Барбаре. Сравните с тем, что получилось у ваших одноклассников.
    1. What are we going to do in London?
    2. Are we going to study?
    3. Will we go sightseeing?
    4. What museums and monuments will we visit?
    5. Will we go to some other schools?
  • 10. • Переведите словосочетания. Придумайте свои собственные предложения, используя данные слова.
    I stay with my little brother when my parents go out. Поставить вазы в воду, организовать встречу, организовать дату и время.
    We have to arrange a date and time of our meeting. Группа студентов, заданий.
    Teacher went to the museum with a group of students.
  • 11. • Дополните текст. Что студенты делали на пикнике?
    Suggested, time, were responsible, had, group, enjoyed. Students flew a kite, took pictures, played badminton, had lunch.
  • 15. • Посмотрите на картинки и дополните диалоги. Let’s walk.
    Ok, let’s stay.
  • 18. • Прочитайте текст и скажите, почему Лена была грустной.
    Lena was sad because she was ill and couldn’t go for a walk.
  • 19. • Дополните предложения.
    1 — b, 2 — c.
  • 20. • Дополните вопросы и ответьте на них.
    Did she? — No, she didn’t.
    Hadn’t she? — Yes, she had.
    Wasn’t it? — No, it wasn’t.
    Could she? — No, she couldn’t.
    Didn’t they? — Yes, they did.
    Wasn’t she? — No, she wasn’t.
  • 24. • Составьте предложения.
    I am going to visit Great Britain.
    My friends are going to miss lessons at school.
    Our Head Teacher is going to invite a group of students. We are going to arrange a school party.
    A group of students is going to stay with English families.
  • 25. • Посмотрите на дневник Барбары. Что она собирается делать на следующей неделе?
    Barbara is going to buy a present for Mum on Tuesday. She is going to write a letter to the Russian students on Wednesday. She is going to speak to Mr. Wooding about social programme on Thursday. She is going to school party on Friday. She is going to sleep on Saturday. She is gong to visit her mum on her birthday on Saturday.
  • 26. • Что вы и члены вашей семьи собираетесь делать в выходные?
    I am going to visit friends.
    My mum is going to go shopping.
    My brother is going to listen to music.
    My grandmother is going to clean the flat.
    My father is going to watch TV.
  • 27. • Лена все еще болеет. Она собирается прочитать историю из книги про Мэрри Поппинс. Прочитайте эту историю. Что Мэрри Поппинс делала в свой выходной?
    Mary Poppins and her friend Match-Man walked together and had tea with cakes.
  • 28. • Посмотрите на предложенные картинки и найдите соответствующие им предложения из текста.
    1. Suddenly they saw a green table.
    2. They turned and found a tall man in a black coat coming out of the park with a table-napkin over his arm.
    3. I am the waiter, you know.
    4. Marry Poppins and her friend saw some wooden horses in the trees.
    • 29. • Скажите, что вы знаете о Памелле Треверс, авторе книги «Мэри Поппинс». Используйте справочник, если необходимо.
    Helen Lyndon Goff is the real name of Pamela Travers. She was born in 1899. She wrote poems and fairy-tales in her childhood. The most famous book is “Marry Poppins”. Many children all over the world like this book and watch film, based on this book.
  • 30. • Посмотрите на картинки и скажите, что дети собираются делать вечером.
    I think Jess is going to read Mary Poppins, draw.
    I think Marko is going to roller skate, play the guitar, take photos.
  • 33. • Посмотрите на таблички. Вставьте эти таблицы в письмо. Прочитайте письмо и скажите, что Джесс и ее родственники собираются делать.
    D, с, Ь, а.
    Jess and her relatives are going to visit their friends who live not far from Washington. Then they are going to travel by car to see New York.
  • 34. • Ответьте на вопросы.
    1. Где сейчас Джесс и ее родственники?
    Jess and her relatives are in Washington.
    2. Когда они приехали в столицу Америки?
    They came to the American capital on Sunday.
    3. Они много фотографировались в США?
    Yes, they took a lot of photos in the USA.
    4. Какой праздник они отмечали 31 октября?
    They celebrated Halloween on the 31 of October.
    5. Чем американцы украшали свои дома?
    People decorated their houses with orange pumpkins and skeletons.
    6. Как Джесс и ее родственники собираются добраться до Нью-Йорка?
    They are going too travel by car.
    7. Когда они вернутся в Лондон?
    They are going back to London in two weeks.
  • 35. • Заполните таблицу.
    To sound — звучать, sound — звук
    To travel — путешествовать, travel — путешествие
    To visit — посещать, visit — посещение
    To study — учиться, study — учеба
    To stay — останавливаться, stay — пребывание
    To wish — хотеть, wish — желание
    To walk — гулять, ходить пешком, walk — прогулка.
  • 36. • Найдите информацию о Хеллоуине в тексте и дополните предложения.
    1. Americans celebrate Halloween on the 31 of October.
    2. In every American house you can see orange pumpkins.
    3. There are funny people dressed up in costumes in the evening.
    4. Children went to people’s houses and asked for candies.
  • 40. • Прочитайте диалог и скажите, что русские ученики собираются подарить своим друзьям из Великобритании.
    Russian students are going to present their English friends Russian souvenirs, matrioshkas, Gzhel souvenirs, badges and album with photos.
  • 43. • Готовясь к поездке в Лондон, русские ученики изучают полезную информацию. Прочитайте, что Британцы делают в конкретных ситуациях. Сравните с русскими людьми.
    1. No. Yes.
    2. Yes. Yes.
    3. Yes. Yes.
    4. Yes. No.
    5. No. Yes.
    6. Yes. No.
    7. Yes. Yes.
  • 44. • Сопоставьте вопросы и ответы.
    1 — d, 2 — с, 3 — а, 4 — b.
  • 47. • Прочитайте и сравните. Сопоставьте вопросы
    и ответы.
    1 — d, 2 — с, 3 — b, 4 — а.
  • 49. • Посмотрите на фотографии людей и животных.
    Скажите, что они делают.
    She is riding a bike.
    Не is playing the piano.
    It is sleeping.
    They are talking.
    We are singing.
    She is reading.
    The girl is listening.
    The boys are swimming.
    It is running.
  • 52. • Посмотрите на картинки. Дополните текст. Поставьте глаголы в Present Continuous.
    Is reading, is watering, is not watching, are doing, is listening, is eating, is playing, is sleeping.
  • 53. • Закройте страницу с текстом. Скажите, верны ли предложения. Исправьте предложения.
    1. Yes.
    2. No. Mr. Wooding is reading a newspaper.
    3. Yes.
    4. No. Their son is listening to music.
    5. Yes.
    6. No. The dog is sleeping.
  • 55. • Прочитайте открытку Джима для Лены о его путешествии и скажите, что он и члены его семьи делают сейчас.
    Jim is writing the postcard. His father is taking photos. His mother is decorating a New Year tree. His sister is singing. They are having a great time.
  • 56. • Найдите примеры употребления Present Continuous в тексте и переведите их.
    I am writing this postcard in the wonderful palace of Ded Moroz. — Я пишу эту открытку в чудесном дворце Деда Мороза.
    Му father is taking photos. — Мой папа фотографирует.
    Му mother is helping to decorate a New Year tree. — Моя мама помогает украшать елку.
  • 57. • Какие вопросы вы задали бы Деду Морозу? Сравните свои вопросы с вопросами одноклассников.
    How old are you?
    Is it cold at your house?
    Who helps you to read letters?
    How many letters do you get every year?
    What do you do in summer?
  • 58. • Посмотрите на картинки из школьного альбома. Задайте вопросы и ответьте на них.
    — Where are the children? — They are in the yard.
    — What are they doing? — They are decorating the tree.
    — Where is our Head Teacher? — He is in his study.
    — What is he doing? — He is reading a newspaper.
    — Where are the girls and boys? — They are in the cinema.
    — What are they doing? — They are watching film.
    — Where are our friends? — They are at school.
    — What are they doing? — They are greeting.
    — Where is the puppy? — It is in the hall.
    — What is it doing? — It is sleeping.
  • 61. • Сейчас воскресное утро. Что вы и члены вашей семьи обычно делаете в воскресенье утром? Что вы делаете сейчас?
    I usually watch TV on Sunday morning but today I am doing my homework. My mother usually cleans the flat on Sunday morning but she is watering flowers. My father usually reads a book on Sunday morning but today he is listening to music.
  • 69. • Правда или ложь. Исправьте неправильные предложения.
    1. F — Christmas is an important winter holiday for the British.
    2. T
    3. T
    4. T
    5. T
    6. F — Christmas dinner consists of a roast turkey with carrots and potatoes and Christmas pudding.
  • 70. • Посмотрите на картинки в упр. № 68. Найдите предложения в тексте, которые соответствуют картинкам.
    1. A lot of people come to enjoy Christmas tree.
    2. A lot of people skate.
    3. Group of people performs Christmas songs in the streets.
    4. People usually decorate their trees on Christmas Eve.
    5. Christmas dinner consists of a roast turkey with carrots and potatoes and Christmas pudding.
  • 72. • Что вы скажете в подобной ситуации? Соедините ситуации и соответствующие фразы.
    You phone your English friend on the 25th of December. — Merry Christmas!
    Your friend asks: “How are you?” — I’m fine, thanks. You pushed somebody by accident. — I’m sorry.
    You are at your friend’s birthday party. — Happy Birthday to you!
    Your friend is going to take an exam. — Good luck!
    Your friend is going to visit London. — Have a nice trip! You friend is ill. — Get well soon!
    You meet your friend on the 31st of December. — Happy New Year!
    • 74. Посмотрите на картинку. Что члены семьи делают в канун рождества? Дополните предложения.
    1. Mr. Wooding and his son are decorating a New Year tree.
    2. Mrs. Wooding is cooking dinner.
    3. The little girl is writing a letter to Santa.
    4. The grandfather is taking a photo.
    5. Grandmother is taking by the phone.
    6. The dog is watching TV.
    7. The cat is sleeping.
    • 75. •
    Прочитайте письмо Джулии и ответьте на вопросы.
    1. Кто приедет к Джулии и ее семье на рождество?
    A lot of Julia’s relatives are coming to stay with Julia and her family over Christmas.
    2. Что Джулия собирается делать на следующей неделе?
    Julia is going to clean her room and go shopping.
    3. Что Джулия собирается подарить ее маленькой племяннице?
    Julia is going to give her a teddy bear.
    4. Какая погода в декабре в Лондоне?
    It is cold and windy.
  • 77. • Прочитайте диалог и скажите, у кого каникулы длиной в 11 месяцев.
    Ded Moroz has an 11-month holiday.
  • 78. • Ответьте на вопросы.
    1. Когда британцы отмечают рождество?
    British people celebrate Christmas on the 25 of December.
    2. Почему британские дети встают рано на рождество? British children are waiting for presents.
    3. Какое еще существует имя у Сайты Клауса?
    Father Christmas.
    4. Где живет Санта Клаус? А где Дед Мороз?
    Santa Claus lives in the North Pole. Ded Moroz lives in Velikiy Ustyug.
    5. Куда Санта Клаус и Дед Мороз кладут подарки для детей?
    Santa Claus puts presents into the stockings. Ded Moroz puts presents under the New Year tree.
    6. Что Санта Клаус находит в домах?
    Santa Claus finds milk and biscuits.
    7. Санта Клаус и Дед Мороз усердно работают в декабре. Что они делают?
    Yes, they do. They bring presents to each and every house.
  • 79. • Составьте фразы и переведите их. Используйте в своих предложениях.
    Tomorrow I will leave the country for London.
    Why did he leave the party so soon?
    I would like to watch another film.
  • 80. • Посмотрите на картинки и скажите, что Дед Мороз и Санта Клаус делают.
    Father Christmas is reading letters.
    Father Christmas is going to give presents.
    Father Christmas is playing with a puzzle.
    Ded Moroz is searching the Internet.
    Ded Moroz is writing a letter.
    Ded Moroz is talking with Snegurochka.


Раздел 6

  • 1. • Дополните текст.
    Suggestion, description, information, celebration, translation.
  • 2. • Дополните вопросы.
    Weren’t they Didn’t they
    Will they Wasn’t it Did he Can’t we
  • 3. • Дополните текст соответствующими словами.
    Time, bad, sore, state, poor, on.
  • 4. • Прочитайте, что любят дети и догадайтесь, что
    родители собираются подарить им на рождество. Kelvin’s parents are going to give him a watch.
    Melissa’s parents are going to give her a box of sweets. Susan’s parents are going to give her a guitar.
    Thomas’s parents are going to give him a racket.
    Mary’s parents are going to give her a kitten.
    Alice’s parents are going to give her a camera.
    Kate’s parents are going to give her paints.
    Andrew’s parents are going to give him a football.
  • 5. • Дополните текст глаголами am, is, are, aren’t.
    Are, is, are, is, are, aren’t, are, am.
  • 6. • Дополните диалог.
    Jack: Yes, of course!
    Dad: OK. I’ll be responsible for present.
    Andrew: I’ll be responsible for breakfast. And Jack is going to be responsible for music.
    Jack: I think we should make a cake together, shouldn’t we?
    Dad: Yes, we should.
  • 7. • Переведите с русского на английский.
    1 — Interesting collection
    2 — Difficult translation
    3 — Group of Russian students
    4 — 111 classmate
    5 — New magazine
    6 — Old newspaper
    7 — They organize picnic on Sunday
    8 — Are you going to visit ill friend
    9 — It is cold. Don’t take off your hat, please
  • 9. • Посмотрите на картинки и напишите ответы Джейн на мамины вопросы.
    2 — Yes, he is.
    3 — No, she isn’t. She is playing computer games.
    4 — No, it isn’t. It is playing with a ball.
    5 — No, she isn’t. She is reading.
    6 — No, he isn’t. He is watching TV.
  • 10. Составьте вопросы и ответьте на них.
    1. What is he writing? He is writing a letter.
    2. Where is she skating? She is skating in the park.
    3. What are they doing? They are doing homework.
    4. What are the children doing? They are decorating a New Year tree.
    5. Who is Ann feeding? She is feeding birds.
    6. Where are friends taking photos? They are taking photos in the Zoo.
  • 11. • Напишите вопросы к ответам.
    1. What is the woman wring?
    2. Where are the children drawing?
    3. Who is telling a funny story?
    4. Where are the girls walking?
    5. What is Alice decorating?
    6. What are the men doing?
  • 12. • Дополните предложения глаголами в правильной форме.
    1. Is playing
    2. Is playing
    3. Are doing; Am writing
    4. Are wring; are reading; are counting
    5. Are crying
    6. Is feeding
    7. Are feeding
  • 14. • Составьте фразы из слов и переведите их на русский.
    То decorate a New Year tree — наряжать елку То congratulate friends — поздравлять друзей То send postcards — отправлять открытки То buy presents — покупать подарки То enjoy holidays — наслаждаться праздниками
  • 15. • На носу Новый год. В канун Нового года люди обычно дают обещания. Напишите несколько ваших собственных обещаний.
    I am going to get only good marks.
    I am going to do my homework well.
    I am going to help my mother.
    I am going to read a new book every week.
    I am going to be polite with adults.
  • 16. • Дополните письмо словами.
    Decorated, meal, each other, new, snowballs, laughed.
  • 17. • Напишите, что бы вы делали в следующих ситуациях.
    1. I would congratulate my family and friends and give them presents.
    2. I would say hello and ask how he is doing.
    3. I would give present and say happy birthday.
    4. I would say I am fine, thanks, and you?
    5. I would thank him.
    Проверьте себя
  • 3. • С
  • 4. • b, b, b
  • 5. • True, false, true, false.


Урок 3

  • 5. • Соедините слова и описания.
    1 — b, 2 — с, 3 — d, 4 — а.
  • 6. • Прочитайте и скажите, на какое время русские ученики планируют остаться в Великобритании. The Russian students are going to spend two weeks in Great Britain.
  • 9. • Составьте предложения, используя слова из таблицы.
    Russia is one of the most beautiful countries in the world.
    Conan Doyle is one of the most well-known writers in Europe.
    Moscow is one of the most popular cities in the country. The big theatre is one of the most famous theaters in our city.
  • 12. • Посмотрите на картинку и опишите то, что вы видите.
    Two girls are sitting on the sofa. They are having a cup of tea and eating ice cream. They are discussing their plans for summer holidays.
  • 14. • Составьте словосочетания из слов в таблице. Используйте их в своих предложениях.
    Historical place, interesting museum, famous monument, lovely building, hospitable city, beautiful church.
    When I went to London, I visited a lot of historical places.
    Moscow is a hospitable city.
    There are a lot of beautiful churches in my city.
    • 17. • Прочитайте тексты из книги Джулии «О России». Сопоставьте текст и название.
    1 — с, 2 — а, 3 — Ь, 4 — d.
    • 18. •
    Ответьте на вопросы, используя упр. № 17.
    1. Какой город является одним из самых больших в Европе?
    Moscow is one of the biggest cities in Europe.
    2. Какой город один из самых старых в России? Vladimir is one of the oldest Russian towns.
    3. Какой город знаменит своими каналами и мостами? St. Petersburg is famous for its canals and bridges.
    4. Какой город не был назван столицей России?
    Kazan wasn’t named a Russian capital.
    5. Какой город вы бы хотели посетить и почему?
    I would like to visit St. Petersburg because it is a very beautiful city. There are a lot of museums, churches, cathedrals, theatres and palaces. You can learn a lot about Russian history there.
    • 19.
    Посмотрите на картинку. Прочитайте предложения и исправьте их.
    1. Mrs. Wooding is feeding birds.
    2. Mr. Wooding is reading a newspaper.
    3. The monkeys are playing.
    4. The girl is eating an ice cream.
    5. The birds are eating.
    6. The boy is taking photos.
  • 21. • Составьте предложения, чтобы описать картинки.
    The girl is having lunch.
    What do you see there?
    The boy likes pets.
    What does our son want for Christmas?
    The girl needs some information.
    I hate cold weather.
    The girl has a nice doll house.
  • 22. • Прочитайте текст и поставьте глаголы в Present Simple или Present Continuous.
    Are jumping, are playing, love, need, is eating, is having, is coming, wants, is climbing, is running, chooses.


Раздел 2

  • 27. • Послушайте и повторите. Затем найдите пары к словам в левом столбике.
    Museum — музей
    Gallery — галерея
    Theatre — театр
    Stadium — стадион
    Park — парк
    Parliament — парламент
    History — история
    Abbey — аббатство
    Monument — памятник
    Tourist — турист
    Real — реальный
    Symbol — символ
    Taxi — такси
    Legend — легенда
    Traditional — традиционный
  • 28. • Дополните предложения названиями различных мест.
    1. Big Ben
    2. The Houses of Parliament
    3. Tower Bridge
    4. Westminster Abbey
    5. The Tower of London
  • 29. • Соедините фотографии с описаниями.
    1 — с, 2 — d, 3 — а, 4 — b.
  • 30. • Прочитайте текст и ответьте на вопросы.
    1. Биг Бен это часы или колокол?
    Big Ben is a bell.
    2. Биг Бен это символ Лондона и Великобритании, не так ли? А что символизирует Россию? Где и когда вы можете увидеть символ России?
    The symbol of Russia is Kremlin. You can see it in Moscow at any time.
    3. Лондонский Тауэр очень старый, не так ли? Чем он знаменит?
    The Tower of London is very old. It was a fortress, royal palace and a prison for important people. Today it is a museum.
    4. Кто основал Вестминстерское Аббатство? Westminster Abbey was built by King Edward.
    5. Где работает английский парламент?
    English Parliament works in the Houses of Parliament.
    • 31. • Скажите, какие интересные места можно описать этими словами.
    1. Big Ben is the symbol of England.
    Westminster Abbey was founded by St. Peter. Westminster Abbey is a working church.
    Westminster Abbey is a great monument of the history
    of England.
    2. The Tower has a cruel history.
    The Tower is a historic museum.
    An ancient legend says that the Tower and Great Britain will fall if the ravens ever leave the fortress.
    The Tower has special guards.
    3. The Houses of Parliament is situated next to the Westminster Abbey.
    Big Ben is a symbol of Great Britain.
    The Tower Bridge is one of the most famous bridges in London.
    The deep boom of Big Ben can be heard on the radio.
    4. The Houses of Parliament stand beside the River Thames.
    Only the country’s leaders speak in the Houses of Parliament The Houses of Parliament are the buildings where the British Parliament sits.
    British Parliament sits in the Houses of Parliament.
  • 35. • Скажите, что туристы обычно делают, когда они
    приезжают в новую страну или город.
    The tourists usually stay in a hotel.
    The tourists usually visit different museums and theatres. They usually send postcards to their friends and relatives. They usually see as many sights as possible.
  • 36. • Что делают Дима и Лена?
    They are eating.
    They are looking at a map.
    They are buying souvenirs.
  • 38. • Вставьте слова в текст.
    Photos, place, care, part.
  • 39. • Дополните вопросы.
    1. Aren’t there
    2. Wasn’t it
    3. Are they
    4. Don’t they.
    5. Can’t you
    6. Is it
    7. Hasn’t it
  • 40. • Почему охранники Тауэра называются бифитеры?
    Найдите ответ в справочнике.
    They say, the guards got their names “beefeaters”, because they could eat meat at the Queen’s table. And they ate strong meat broth.
  • 41. • Сопоставьте вопросы и ответы.
    1 — d, 2 — е, 3 — с, 4 — а, 5 — Ь.
  • 43. • Посмотрите на таблицы. Где должна находиться информация из этих таблиц в письме?
    С, d, а, Ь.
  • 44. • Прочитайте письмо и дополните предложения.
    1. On Monday Dima visited the Tower of London.
    2. On Tuesday Dima went to Buckingham Palace. He saw the Changing of the Guards.
    3. On Wednesday he went to Greenwich.
    4. On Thursday he went to the British Museum.
    5. On Friday he is going to the London Eye.
  • 46. • Дополните вопросы.
    1. why, 2. what, 3. when, 4. what, 5. what, 6. which.
  • 49. • Прочитайте диалог. Заполните пропуски. Затем разыграйте его по ролям.
    То get to. You’re welcome. Go along. It’s very easy.
  • 52. • Измените вопросы. Используйте данный пример.
    1. Excuse me, can you tell me where the British Museum is?
    2. Excuse me, can you tell me where The Green School is?
    3. Excuse me, could you pass me the sugar?
    4. Excuse me, can you tell me how to get to the nearest supermarket?
    5. Excuse me, how can I get to Westminster Abbey?
    6. Excuse me, would you mind closing the door?
  • 54. • Послушайте и повторите. Найдите соответствия с русскими словами.
    Monument — памятник Column — колонна Tourist — турист Photo — фото December — декабрь Centre — центр Fountain — фонтан
  • 57. • Напишите короткую статью о наиболее известной площади в России. Используйте следующие вопросы.
    The symbol of Russia and Moscow is Red Square. It is known all over the world. It is famous for the Mausoleum. Many tourists visit it every day. There is a big New Year tree there in winter. The Victory Day’s parade, fireworks take place in this square.
  • 62. • Задайте вопросы партнеру. Изменяйте названия стран и городов.
    Have you ever been to Oxford? — No, I have not.
    Have you ever been to Moscow? — Yes, I have.
    Have you ever been to Washington? — No, I have not. Have you ever been to Greenwich? — No, I have not. Have you ever been to Paris? — No, I have not.
    Have you ever been to New York? — No, I have not. Have you ever been to St. Peterburg? — Yes, I have. Have you ever been to Vladimir? — Yes, I have.
    Have you ever been to Kazan? — No, I have not.
  • 64. • Скажите, где вы никогда не были, но хотели бы побывать. Объясните почему.
    I have never been to New York. I’d like to visit it because I want to see the Empire State Building.
    I have never been to Moscow. I’d like to visit it because I want to take photos of Red Square.
  • 65. • Переведите словосочетание в рамке. Затем составьте предложения с ним.
    It’s worth — стоит что-то сделать.
    The film about Peter Pen is worth seeing because it is interesting.
    The Sherlock Holmes stories are worth reading because it is the classical detective story.
    The British Museum is worth visiting because many interesting things are saved there.
    Classical music is worth listening because it helps to relax.
  • 66. • Расставьте предложения в правильном порядке.
    Прочитайте и разыграйте диалог.
    — What are you going to do on Sunday morning?
    — I don’t know yet.
    — Have you ever been to the Dog Exhibition?
    — No, I’ve never been there.
    — Let’s go then. It’s worth seeing.
    — Why not! See you tomorrow morning then.
  • 70. • Заполните таблицу.
    To sing петь, a singer певец
    To dance танцевать, a dancer танцор To run бегать, a runner бегун To swim плавать, a swimmer пловец To teach учить кого-то, a teacher — учитель
  • 71. • Сопоставьте слова и описания.
    1 — b, 2 — d, 3 — е, 4 — а, 5 — с.
    • 77. •
    Составьте фразы из слов. Используйте их в своих предложениях.
    If you need to go to the square, turn left.
    Last year I traveled to London and admired it.
    I came out of the shop and met my friend.
    • 78
    . Прочитайте текст и поставьте глаголы в правильную форму.
    Got, had, was, was, spent, admired, took, bought, saw, were, enjoyed.
  • 80. • Правда или ложь.
    1 — f, 2 — t, 3 — t, 4 — f, 5 — t.
  • 81. • Что делают туристы?
    A man is taking photos.
    A girl is listening to music.
    A woman is taking by the phone.
    A man is shooting a video.
    Two women are sitting on the bench inside the capsule.
  • 82. • В Москве есть места, где вы сможете посмотреть на город с высоты птичьего полета. Одно из таких мест — это Останкинская башня. Сопоставьте вопросы и ответы.
    1 — е, 2 — Ь, 3 — d, 4 — с, 5 — а.
  • 90. • Сформируйте причастия настоящего и прошедшего времени. Переведите их на русский язык.
    Таке — taking — taken
    Solve — solving — solved
    Watch — watching — watched
    Read — reading — read
    Open — opening — opened
    Catch — catching — caught
    Play — playing — played
    Write — writing — written
    Translate — translating — translated
    Finish — finishing — finished
    Speak — speaking — spoken
    Bring — bringing — brought
    Paint — painting — painted
    Tell — telling — told
  • 91. • Прочитайте историю и скажите, почему Алиса ушла из парка. Что она почувствовала, когда открыла сумку дома?
    Alice went home because an old man gave her last crisps from the packet. Alice was surprised, because she saw an unopened packet of crisps in her bag.
  • 92. • Прочитайте подчеркнутые фразы и переведите их на русский язык.
    A newly painted house — свежевыкрашенный дом Children — дети
    Smiling mother — улыбающаяся мама
    Flying kites — воздушные змеи
    The chatting teenagers — болтающие подростки
    Singing birds — поющие птицы
    Running squirrels — бегающие белки
    The chosen bench — выбранная лавка
    The opened packet — открытый пакет
    Uneaten crisps — несъеденные чипсы
    Unfinished book — незаконченная книга
    Unopened packet — неоткрытый пакет
    • 94. •
    Поставьте предложения в правильном порядке. Alice came to the park to spend her Sunday outdoors. The girl walked in the park but soon she got tired.
    The old man was reading his newspaper in peace.
    The old man gave her the last crisp but Alice left.
    Alice was surprised when the old man began to eat her crisps.
    Alice found a packet of crisps in her bag.
  • 99. • Поставьте глаголы в настоящее совершенное время.
    Teach — have taught Buy — have bought Leave — have left Arrange — have arranged Take — have taken Give — have given Choose — have chosen Wash — have washed Climb — have climed Drink — have drunk Travel — have travelled Ask — have asked
    Write — have written Buy — have bought Read — have read Count — have count Be — have been Sleep — have slept Live — have lived See — have seen Hear — have heard Feed — have fed
  • 100. • Составьте предложения
    I have already visited the museum.
    We have already found the work.
    She has just entered the gallery.
    Mike has already bought the picture.
    I haven’t written the letter.
    You haven’t taken the photos.
    Our parents haven’t sent the postcards.
    Her brother hasn’t bought the cake.
    • 101. •
    Опишите, что случилось.
    1. Susan has just had breakfast.
    2. Dan has just written a postcard to his friend.
    3. Jason has just won the championship.
    4. Mary has just finished the test.
    5. Alice has just bought some souvenirs.
    6. The tourists have just taken the photos of the monument.
  • 102. • Прочитайте диалог. Скажите, что Мартин сделал. Его мама была удивлена? Почему?
    Martin has cleaned the room, watered the flowers, gone shopping. His mother was surprised. He never has done this work.
  • 103. • Найдите пример настоящего совершенного времени в упр. № 102. Затем переведите на русский. Have already cleaned — почистил Have watered — полил Have gone — сходил Have bought — купил Haven’t made — не сделал Have just done — сделал
    ^ 105. Прочитайте, сравните и объясните разницу между двумя ситуациями.
    На первой картинке действие происходит в данный момент. Дождь идет прямо сейчас.
    На второй картинке дождь прекратился. А птицы сидят на ветке.
  • 106. • У Элис много работы по дому. Что она уже сделала? А что ей предстоит сделать?
    Alice has already made the bed. She hasn’t watered the plants yet. She has already done the washing up. She has already fed the parrot. She hasn’t cooked dinner yet. She has already cleaned the windows. She hasn’t gone shopping yet. She has already washed the clothes.
  • 109. • Дополните диалог. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в форму Present Perfect.
    1. Has written
    2. Have done
    3. Have eaten, haven’t eaten, has eaten, have eaten
    4. Have given
    5. Have lost
  • 114. • Сопоставьте две части предложений. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в форму Present Perfect.
    1 — d (has repaired)
    2 — a (have left)
    3 — b (has returned)
    4 — e (have been)
    5 — f (haven’t finished)
    6 — c (have bought)
  • 116. • Прочитайте фразы. Переведите их на русский и используйте в своих предложениях.
    I am proud of my family.
    There are a lot of amazing activities in my school.
    There are a lot of wonderful museums in my city.
    • 117. •
    Прочитайте текст. Скажите, почему Лондонцы гордятся своими парками.
    Londoners are proud of their parks because you can spend the whole day long in the country without leaving London.
    • 118. • Ответьте на вопросы.
    1. Какой из лондонских парков самый большой?
    Hyde Park is the biggest park in London.
    2. Какой из лондонских парков самый старый?
    St James’s Park is the oldest.
    3. Какой лондонский парк знаменит «уголком ораторов»?
    Hyde Park is famous for the Speaker’s Corner.
    4. В каком лондонском парке есть статуя сказочного героя?
    In Kensington Gardens you can see the statue of Peter Pan.
    5. Какой лондонский парк был зоопарком долгое время?
    Regent’s Park was home to the Zoo.
    6. Чем изобилуют все лондонские парки?
    London’s parks are rich in trees, grass, flowers, ponds
    and lakes.
    7. Что лондонцы и туристы любят делать в парке? Londoners and tourists like to walk among the green
    trees, relax and admire flowers.
  • 119. • Вы читали историю про Питера Пена? Чем он известен?
    Peter Pen is a young boy, who doesn’t want to grow up. He can fly. He has many friends — fairies.
  • 124. • Заполните таблицу. Соедините слова из первой колонки со словами из второй колонки. Запишите новые словосочетания и переведите их. Затем составьте свои собственные предложения с новыми словосочетаниями на английском языке.
    Post office. Му grandmother sends letters at the post office.
    Orange juice. I drink orange juice in the morning.
    Apple pie. I have never cooked an apple pie.
    Art Gallery. I want to go to London and visit the Art Gallery.
    Invitation letter. My sister has got an invitation letter. Football match. My father always watches football matches. Film star. Marilyn Monroe is the film star.
  • 125. • Посмотрите на картинку и скажите, что Джулия и ее гости делали на вечеринке. Им понравилась вечеринка?
    They had a barbecue in the garden.
    They drank soft drinks and fruit juice.
    They ate biscuits and sweets.
    They took photos.
    They chatted with each other.
    They wore colourful paper hats and danced.
    They enjoyed the party.
  • 126. • Расскажите о своем последнем дне рождения. Используйте следующие вопросы.
    1. Когда твой день рождения?
    Му birthday is on 22 of February.
    2. Как ты отметил последний день рождения? Ты устроил вечеринку?
    I arranged a big birthday party. I invited a lot of friends and relatives.
    3. Кого ты пригласил? Ты писал пригласительные открытки?
    No, I didn’t write the invitations letters.
    4. Что ты делал на вечеринке? Ты играл в игры?
    We had tasty dinner. Then my friends and I played different games.
    5. У тебя был праздничный торт? Твои друзья и родственники пели песни для тебя?
    Yes, I had a big birthday cake. My friends and relatives sang special birthday song to me.
    6. Какие подарки ты получил?
    I got a new bike, a book and a photo album.
    7. Ты хорошо провел время? Тебе нравятся вечеринки в честь дня рождения?
    We had a great time. I enjoyed my birthday party.
  • 127. • Работа в парах. Прочитайте и дополните диалог. Используйте слова в простом прошедшем времени.
    Went. Did you enjoy the party? Was. Was. Invited. What did you do? Had, danced, played. Took.
  • 131. • Прочитайте текст и ответьте на вопросы.
    1. Что означает фраза «the British have a sweet tooth»? This phrase means that the British like eating sweet things.
    2. Какие британские сладости вы знаете?
    I know puddings, pies, jams, biscuits, cakes, rolls.
    3. Какие сладости вы любите?
    I like cakes and biscuits.
    4. Когда британцы едят торты и печенья?
    The British eat cakes and biscuits during a tea break, watching TV or in the cinema.
    5. Когда британцы едят больше всего сладостей?
    The British eat more sweet things during the holidays.
  • 132. • Скажите, когда люди празднуют Рождество, день святого Валентина и день Матери в Великобритании и России. Как они празднуют этот праздник? Что они готовят на обед?
    Britain people celebrate Christmas on the 25th of December It’s their favorite holiday. They eat roast turkey and pudding. They decorate Christmas tree. Russian people celebrate
    Christmas on the 7th of January. In Great Britain and Russia St Valentine’s Day is celebrated on the 14th of February. People give small presents to their sweet hearts. Mother’s Day is celebrated on the 14th of October in Great Britain and on the 24th of November in Russia. Children make presents for their mothers and cook tasty things.
  • 136. • Посмотрите на список Анны. Что она уже сделала для вечеринки? Что ей еще предстоит сделать? Ann has already washed apples, bananas and oranges. She hasn’t made five cheese sandwiches and five ham sandwiches yet. She hasn’t made a pizza yet. She has already asked Kate to buy sweets and biscuits. She has already invited Steve and Alex. She has already gone shopping.
    • 139. • Прочитайте текст и догадайтесь, что Мистер Тейлор должен был сказать во время ланча. Выберите правильный ответ.
    Bon appetite.
  • 140. • Дополните предложения.
    1. Mr. Tailor didn’t speak German.
    2. During his stay in Germany he had lunch in a little caf^.
    3. Every day a German said to Mr. Tailor “mahlzeit”.
    4. The Englishman was polite and answered “Tailor”.
    5. One day Mr. Tailor learnt the German word for good appetite.
    6. When he came to the caf^, he said to the German “mahlzeit”.


Раздел 7

  • 143. • Прочитайте имена известных людей. Скажите, чем эти люди знамениты.
    Sir Arthur Conan Doyle is famous for his detective stories.
    William Turner is famous for his pictures.
    William Shakespeare is famous for his poems and plays.
    Daniel Defoe is famous for his stories about Robinson Crusoe.
    Charlie Chaplin is famous for his films.
    Pamela Travers is famous for her books.
    Agatha Christie is famous for her detective stories. John Lennon is famous for his songs.
    Mark Twain is famous for his books about Tom Sawyer.
  • 144. • Прочитайте текст и ответьте на вопросы.
    1. Daniel Defoe wrote his most famous novel in 1719.
    2. The story was based on the real adventures.
    3. The title of the book is “The Life and Strange Surprising Adventures of Robinson Crusoe”.
  • 145. • Исправьте предложения.
    1. Defoe wrote his novels in the 17—18 centuries.
    2. Defoe wrote his novel about Robinson Crusoe when he was old.
    3. The adventures of Robinson are real.
    4. The novel became popular immediately.
    5. Defoe didn’t write his book for children.
    6. Defoe is called “The Father of English Prose” for Robinson Crusoe.
  • 147. • Посмотрите на картинку. Опишите Робинзона Крузо.
    Не is old and big. He is tall and thin. He has long grey hair.
  • 148. • Посмотрите на картинку и догадайтесь, что Робинзон Крузо уже сделал.
    Не has caught the goat. He has made an umbrella. He has built a house.
  • 149. • Вы читали роман «Робинзон Крузо»? Вы смотрели фильм? Скажите несколько слов об этом романе и его главном герое.
    Defoe wrote his novel in 1719. The novel is based on real facts. Robinson spent many years on a desert island. He was clever and strong. He learnt to hunt and build houses. Robinson met a friend on the island. This novel is very interesting and exciting. I am obsessed with reading it.
  • 152. • Соедините книги и авторов.
    John R. R. Tolkien — The Hobbit Lewis Carrol — Alice in Wonderland
    Sir Arthur Conan Doyle — Stories about Sherlock Holmes Daniel Defoe — The Life and Strange Suprising Adventures of Robinson Crusoe
    Mark Twain — The Adventures of Tom Sawyer J. M. Barrie — Peter Pen Pamela Travers — Mary Poppins Alexander Milne — Winnie-the-Pooh Joanne K. Rowling — Harry Potter Jack London — The White Fang William Shakespeare — Romeo and Juliet
  • 155. • Прочитайте текст и выберите правильные ответы.
    1. writer 2.1892
    3. languages
    4. the English language and literature
    5. fairytale world 6.1973 Darwin
    1. scientist 2.1809
    3. minerals, birds, eggs, insects
    4. different kinds of plants and animals
    5. biology
    6. 1882
  • 157. • Прочитайте текст и догадайтесь, какие из представленных картин принадлежат Уильяму Тернеру.
  • 158. • Ответьте на вопросы.
    1. Когда родился Тернер?
    Не was born in 1775.
    2. Кем работал его отец?
    His father was a barber.
    3. Тернер любил природу, не так ли?
    Yes, he was.
    4. Что он любил рисовать во время путешествий? During travelling he drew ruined abbeys and castles.
    5. Чем Тернер знаменит?
    He was famous for the wonderful colours.
    6. Какие картины он рисовал?
    Не painted landscapes and sea pictures.
    7. Тернер был мастером акварели, не так ли?
    Yes, he was.
  • 159. • Прочитайте предложенную историю о выдающемся Американском актере и продюсере. Выясните, получил ли он приз за первое место.
    No, he didn’t win the first prize.
  • 160. • Расположите предложения в правильном порядке. It happened after Charlie Chaplin had become world famous.
    A theatre announced a competition to find a Charlie Chaplin double.
    People who took part in it had to dress like Chapin, walk like Chaplin and act out one of the roles in his films.
    Charlie Chaplin decided to take part in the competition. Of course, he kept his plan a secret from everybody.
    He didn’t win the first prize.
    At first he was upset.


Раздел 9

  • 1. • Вставьте в текст определенный артикль the, если необходимо.
    —, the, —, the, —, the, —, —, the, —, —, —, —, —.
  • 3. • Дополните текст. Поставьте глаголы в Present Simple or Present Continuous.
    Am writing, is, hate, don’t want, is playing, are running, are laughing, don’t ask, are having, like, see, is, am.
  • 4. • Вставьте в предложения определенный артикль the, если необходимо.
    1. The, —
    2. The
    3. The
    4. The
    5. —, — the
    6. The
    7. —, —, the, the, the
  • 5. • Дополните текст словами.
    Care, pets, photos, part, place.
  • 6. • Переведите с русского на английский.
    1. famous museum
    2. famous theatre
    3. ancient city
    4. king palace
    5. amazing bridge
    6. high building
    7. London is the capital of Great Britain.
    8. The British Museum was founded in 1753.
    9. Tourists took part in performance.
    10. The city is famous for its museums, palaces and parks.
    • 7. • Прочитайте ответы. К каким вопросам они подходят? Напишите вопросы.
    1. Where is Trafalgar Square situated in?
    2. What do the Beefeaters do?
    3. What is London famous for?
    4. Did he visit the Greenwich yesterday?
    5. What is a symbol of London?
  • 8. • Дополните предложения глаголами has, have, was, were.
    1. have, were, were
    2. has, has, has, was, have
    3. have, were
  • 9. • Дополните предложения словами в правильной форме.
    1. writer
    2. politician
    3. teacher
    4. dancer
    5. scientist
    6. sportsman
  • 10. • Составьте словосочетания. Затем выберите пять из них, и составьте предложения.
    Trafalgar Square is in the center of London.
    White Tower is the heart of London and Great Britain. Tower of London
    Buckingham Palace is an official residence of the Queen. Westminster Abbey is a symbol of London.
    The Houses of Parliament
    Big Ben is known all over the world.
    The London Eye is a wonderful attraction.
  • 11. • Дополните текст необходимыми предлогами.
    In, for, with, from, to, of, for, of, to.
  • 12. • Напишите причастия прошедшего времени от данных глаголов.
    Travel — travelled Think — thought Take — taken Go — gone Tell — told Write — written Play — played Come — come Eat — eaten Have — had Give — given swim — swum make — made buy — bought work — worked do — done see — seen be — been run — run fall — fallen send — sent learn — learnt decorate — decorated teach — taught wash — washed drive — driven fly — flown
  • 13. • Составьте фразы из слов, расположенных в двух колонках. Вставьте неопределенный артикль. Переведите фразы на русский.
    Written book написанная книга Playing boy играющий мальчик Running sportsman бегущий спортсмен Opened window открытое окно Singing girl поющая девочка Flying bird летающая птица Built house построенный дом Eaten breakfast съеденный завтрак Sent letter отправленное письмо Falling chair падающий стул Decorated room украшенная комната
  • 14. • Дополните предложения глаголами have, haven’t, has, hasn’t.
    1. has, have
    2. have
    3. have, haven’t
    4. hasn’t
    5. have, has, have
    6. have
    • 16. •
    Дополните предложения глаголами в Past Simple or Present Perfect.
    1. have been, was
    2. has flown
    3. has crossed
    4. crossed, turned, saw
    5. have cleaned
    6. visited, spent
  • 18. • Перепишите предложения, используя слова в скобках.
    1. Му friend has never had a bird’s-eye view of the city. Let’s take her to the London Eye.
    2. Let’s make an apple pie. I have already bought green apples, eggs and some flour.
    3. The group of tourists has just turned left.
    4. The children have recently visited the London Zoo. They liked the monkey.
    5. What have you lately done?
    6. You have just seen a UFO, haven’t you? Are you sure?
  • 21. • Поставьте глаголы в скобках в правильную форму. Spend, is sitting, is watching, likes, is reading, buys,
    takes, is feeding, is drawing, draws.
  • 22. • Составьте предложения, используя слова в скобках.
    1. Have you read his new book about Russian scientists?
    2. The wax model of the politicians appeared in Madame Tussaud’s Museum.
    3. Who is the architecture of that unusual building?
    4. A librarian should always be friendly and polite to readers.
    5. I think one day that boy will become a famous musician.
    6. What are you going to be? — I’m going to be a policeman like my father.
  • 23. • Дополните текст словами.
    Years, famous, museums, lovely, take.
  • 24. • Переведите с русского на английский.
    1. famous writer
    2. to admire your hero
    3. to write a novel
    4. big adventure
    5. flying kite
    6. written letter
    7. Mark Twain was famous American writer.
    8. When did he write his famous book about Tom Sawyer?
    9. Mark Twain wrote about adventures of Tom and his friends.
    10. Main characters of his book were kind and brave.
  • 25. • Составьте вопросы и ответы со словами в скобках.
    1. Have you done your homework? — Yes, I have just finished.
    2. Is your brother playing computer games now? — No, he is reading a detective story.
    3. What will you do tomorrow? — I will visit my granny.
    4. Do they go to school on Saturdays? — Yes, they do. They have five lessons.
    5. Did the students take part in the competition yesterday? -Yes, they did. They won the competition.
    • 26
    . Дополните текст словами.
    Seven, eldest, began, about, poem.
    Проверьте себя
  • 3. • В
  • 4. • В, с, а
  • 5. • False, false, true, true


Урок 4.

Раздел 1

  • 3. • Прочитайте и переведите словосочетания. Составьте свои собственные предложения.
    Интервью учеников Who has a student’s interview? Местная группа This is a local group of our scientists. Информация корреспондента The correspondent’s information is private.
    Быть серьезным студентом I am a serious student.
    Иметь хобби My grandmother has many hobbies. Музыкальный инструмент Guitar is a musical instrument. Занятой менеджер My father is a busy manager.
    Ходить в театр I like to go to the theatre with my friends.
    Играть на гитаре I want to play the guitar.
    Иметь хорошее чувство юмора Му friend has a good sense of humor.
    Местный поезд The local train comes at 5:30.
  • 4. • Дополните текст.
    Invited, for, exchange, an interview, musical, foreign, her.
  • 7. • Дополните вопросы.
    1. can’t she
    2. doesn’t she
    3. does she
    4. aren’t they
    5. hasn’t she
    6. didn’t she
  • 9. • Прочитайте письмо Кати и скажите, что она писала о своем пребывании в Лондоне.
    She is happy to live with her host family. It is very interesting to study new culture and traditions. She gets some new friends at school. They are going to visit Cambridge.
    • 10. • Прочитайте и исправьте неверные предложения.
    1. Katya wrote her letter in English.
    2. She is staying in London for two weeks.
    3. True
    4. She has made new friends at school.
    5. True
  • 11. • Дополните предложения правильной формой глагола.
    1. is playing
    2. am watching
    3. speak
    4. is sleeping
    5. reads
    6. are having
  • 13. • Напишите письмо родителям об интересных местах, которые вы посетили.
    Dear Mum,
    I miss you! And I miss my school. But here I study at a good school. I have made many friends. We went to the centre of London yesterday. I saw Big Ben. It is a symbol of London. It is a big clock, like our Currant in Red Square.
  • 16. • Прочитайте предложения и выберите правильный предлог.
    1. about, 2. On, 3. Of, 4. In, 5. of, 6. For.
  • 20. • Ответьте на вопросы о семье Стефана.
    1. Какой любимый цвет у матери Стефана?
    Favourite colours of Stefan’s mother are green and blue.
    2. Как выглядит его сестра?
    His sister is curious, talkative and naughty.
    3. Что обычно носит его дядя?
    Stefan’s uncle wears jeans, pullovers and trainers.
    4. Чем увлекается дедушка?
    Stefan’s granddad enjoys gardening.
    5. Что делает его бабушка?
    Stefan’s grandmother is a librarian.
    6. Охарактеризуйте семью Стефана.
    They are close family. They like to spend time together.
    9 25. Прочитайте шутку. Как вы думаете, что случилось дальше?
    The boy says: “It is my father!!! And I will sit on his knees!”
  • 28. • Опишите свою маму, папу, брата и сестру.
    Му mum is tall and slim. She is beautiful. She has long dark hair and blue eyes. She is intelligent, kind, polite and smart.
    My father is athletic, strong and tall. He has short fair hair and green eyes. He is brave, friendly and kind.
    My brother is plump. He has short fair hair and blue eyes. He is shy, polite and clever.
  • 31. • Найдите значения этих слов. Используйте словарь, если необходимо. Назовите слова, которые имеют противоположные значения.
    Unfriendly — friendly Unwell — well Untidy — tidy Informal — formal Unlucky — lucky Unpleasant — pleasant Impolite — polite Unknown — known Independent — dependent Unlike — like Unzip — zip Undo — do
    • 38. •
    Опишите идеальную семью.
    There are five people. They are mother, father, elder brother, younger sister and me. I would like to live close to my grandparents and to visit them often. I. would like to spend a lot of time with my parents. I want us to have our own traditions. We will always have supper together and discuss our success and achievements.


Раздел 3

  • 39. • Прочитайте интервью о питомцах. Скажите, какие животные есть у ребят. Соедините картинки. Katya has a fish. Jess has a dog. Stephan’s brother has a puppy. Lena has a cat.
    Dima has a piglet. Julia has a parrot and a hamster. Martin has a dog.
    • 41. • Прочитайте детективную историю и ответьте на вопросы.
    1. Кто такие Себастьян и Келли?
    Sebastian was a boy and Kellie was his dog.
    2. Что умела делать Келли?
    Kellie could play games, bring magazines and newspapers.
    3. Куда они ходили вместе каждый день?
    Every day they went to the work of Sebastian’s mum.
    4. Что они однажды увидели?
    One day they saw a robbery.
    5. Что сделали мама Себастьяна и другие люди? Sebastian’s mum and other people helped Mrs. Klifford.
    6. Что Себастьян сказал Келли?
    Sebastian told Kellie to run after the robber.
    7. Кого увидел грабитель?
    The robber saw a boy and a dog.
    8. Что Себастьян хотел увидеть?
    Sebastian wanted to see where he went.
    9. Кто ушел за помощью?
    The robber went for help.
    10. Что, с вашей точки зрения, Себастьян написал в записке?
    I think Sebastian wrote an address in the note.
    • 42
    . Дополните текст.
    Smartest, bring, friends, her, robber, note, ran.
    • 50
    . Ответьте на вопросы.
    1. Где Келли искала мать Себастьяна?
    Kellie looked for Sebastian’s mum at home.
    2. Кого Келли нашла в кафе?
    She found police officer in the caf£.
    3. Она отдала записку полицейскому?
    No, she didn’t.
    4. Какие слова грабителя услышал Себастьян? Sebastian heard the robber saying “Hey, I see you”.
    5. Как Себастьян, его мать и Келли в конце концов встретились?
    Kelly and Sebastian’s mum came with a police officer.
    6. Что мать Себастьяна сказала ему, когда увидела? Sebastian’s mum said, “Next time you decide to go catch a robber, please tell me first”.
    • 53. • Перечислите основные пункты истории. Перескажите ту часть истории, которая понравилась вам больше всего.
    1. Sebastian and Kellie are close friends.
    2. The robbery.
    3. Shadowing.
    4. Police
    5. The dog helped a lot.
    • 54.
    Напишите краткий пересказ истории.
    Sebastian and his dog Kellie were friends. Kellie was very smart. Every day they went to caf^ where Sebastian’s mother worked. One day they saw a robbery. They ran after the robber. Finally, with the help of Kellie the robber was caught.


Раздел 4

  • 57. • У вас есть хобби? О каких хобби вы знаете? По-
    смотрите на картинки. Догадайтесь, какие у этих детей хобби.
    Reading. Listening to music. Cooking. Dancing. Playing football.
  • 59. • Составьте предложения, используя слова в столбцах.
    Cooking is useful for family.
    Sport is good for health.
    Dancing is for active people.
    Reading books is for intelligent people.
    Watching TV is for lazy kids.
    Playing musical instruments is pleasant.
  • 61. • Составьте пять вопросов в Past Simple к тексту.
    1. What hobby did Balzak have?
    2. What did he say to his friend?
    3. Who asked Balzak to analyze the character?
    4. Who was proud of his hobby?
    5. What was the ending of the story?
  • 62. • Заботиться о домашних животных — очень популярное хобби. Прочитайте историю и скажите, что Линда делает в ванной комнате.
    Linda cleans the cat’s teeth with her father’s toothbrush.
  • 63. • Прочитайте и исправьте неправильные предложения.
    1. Linda’s father is walking down the corridor.
    2. Linda is talking to her cat in kind voice.
    3. T
    4. T
    5. T
    6. T

Раздел 5

  • 71. • Найдите перевод слов.
    Nurse — медсестра, Librarian — библиотекарь, Lawyer — адвокат, Dentist — дантист, Engineer — инженер, Computer programmer — программист, Farmer — фермер, Worker — рабочий, Office worker — офисный рабочий, Housewife — домохозяйка, Taxi driver — водитель такси, Businessman/ businesswoman — бизнесмен, бизнес-вуман, Postman/post-woman — почтальон, почтальонша, Firefighter — пожарный, Police officer — полицейский, Doctor — доктор, Architect — архитектор, Pilot — пилот, Vet — ветеринар, Mechanic — механик, Teacher — учитель, Scientist — научный работник, Gardener — садовник, Sportsman — спортсмен, Sportswoman — спортсменка, Manager — управляющий, Correspondent — корреспондент, Writer — писатель, Poet — поэт, Artist — художник, Actor/actress — актер, актриса, journalist — журналист.
  • 73. • Прочитайте и скажите, кем собираются стать эти дети.
    Martin is going to be a correspondent. Stephan is going to be a computer programmer. Julia is going to be an actress. Jess is going to be a vet. Dima is going to be a sportsman. Katya is going to be a doctor. Lena is going to be a teacher. Dasha is going to be an artist.
  • 74. • Сопоставьте слова и их определения.
    1 — i, 2 — d, 3 — j, 4 — a, 5 — c, 6 — k, 7 — 1, 8 — b,
    9 — e, 10 — f, 11 — h, 12 — g.
  • 78. • Сопоставьте картинку и предложение.
    А — 6, В — 5, С — 4, D — 1, Е — 3, F — 2.


Раздел 7

  • 1. • Дополните текст глаголами в правильной форме.
    Is, arranged, has, place, likes, will take part, leaves, goes.
  • 2. • Дополните вопросы
    1. isn’t she
    2. isn’t she
    3. can’t he
    4. can they
    5. haven’t you
    6. haven’t they
  • 3. • Прочитайте ответы. Задайте вопросы к ним.
    1. Who is very kind and hospitable?
    2. When did they visit many interesting places?
    3. How many questions will you ask them?
    4. Where did her father travel to Africa?
    5. Why have they been happy?
  • 4. • Переведите с русского на английский.
    A 1. independent and serious student
    2. curious and friendly puppy
    3. understanding and loving friend
    4. obedient and polite student
    5. naughty younger sister
    В 1. Our grandmother likes to travel and spend time on the open air.
    2. This polite and shy librarian is my elder sister.
    3. This serious engineer has a good sense of humour.
    4. My younger brother doesn’t like official clothes and short hair.
    5. This guide gets on with naughty children and their parent.
  • 7. • Прочитайте ответы. Составьте вопросы.
    1. Who were close friends?
    2. What did Kellie often carry?
    3. Where did they go together?
    4. What did the robber do?
    5. Who saw the robber?
  • 8. • Сопоставьте вопросы с ответами.
    1 — а, 2 — е, 3 — Ь, 4 — с, 5 — d.
  • 9. • Дополните текст словами.
    Kiss, wanted, big, black, best.
  • 10. • Переведите с русского на английский.
    А 1. athletic club
    2. unforgettable event
    3. talkative grandfather
    4. hospitable grandmother
    5. loving parents
    В 1. A dog and a girl always get on with each other.
    2. Parrots are the nosiest pets.
    3. Honey is very naughty hamster.
    4. Yesterday police caught the robber.
    5. It was very boring story.
  • 11. • Вставьте предлоги если необходимо.
    In, —, to, of, to.
  • 13. • Дополните текст словами.
    With, smart, subjects, interesting, collects, different.
  • 16. • Переведите с русского на английский.
    A 1. smart child
    2. independent correspondent
    3. clever answer
    4. hospitable housewife
    5. talkative driver
    В 1. Many people have computers at home.
    2. Body guard is dangerous profession.
    3. I want to be a vet.
    4. Who do you want to be?
  • 17. • Встать a/an, the где необходимо.
    1. an, 2. the, 3. A, 4. the, 5. a.
  • 18. • Дополните предложения правильной формой слов.
    1. writer, 2. translator, 3. driver, 4. traveler, 5. dancer,
    6. librarian.
    Проверьте себя
  • 3. b.
  • 4. • 1. True. 2. False. 3. True. 4. False.
  • 5. •
    Raul is going to visit London next weekend.
    Sam is going to study at a school next autumn.
    Michael is going to come to Great Britain for winter holidays.
  • 6. •
    I have got a pet too. It is a cat. Her mane is busy. She is nice. We play together. As for my hobbies, I like to listen to music. I like pop music. My favorite singer is Dima Bilan. When I grow up I will be a vet. Because I like animals very much and I want to help them.


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